Lemonade To Laptops


Episode Summary

w/Katrina Wilson

Episode Notes


Another successful summer coming to a close! Did you get everything accomplished that was on your laundry list of places to see and do? Were your days and nights filled with playground visits, bike rides, popsicles, s'mores, and late-night bonfires?  

What about that business your child wants to start...did you get it off the ground and up and running? WHAT...No! I know it can be so overwhelming to know where to start. Tune in as we say BYE-BYE to summer and HELLO to starting a business.

Join our growing community for moms like you, Women Entrepreneurs: Digital Growth Community, supporting, guiding, training, and collaborating with like-minded individuals who lift each other up because YOU deserve to be celebrated!

Connect With Katrina:

NEW eBOOK: “How To Kick-Start Your Child’s Business With Confidence Today” will be released soon.

Grab a DONE-FOR-YOU Instagram template to help you create a professional look while attracting your ideal client. Your feed will scream, you are an authority in your niche while saving you time and money.  Contact Laiken Wilson on Fiverr.

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