Lemonade To Laptops

A Million Dollars...Did You Just Pass It Up?

Episode Summary

w/ Katrina Wilson

Episode Notes

Welcome back to the Lemonade To Laptops Podcast Summer Series!!

Bringing busy moms listen on the go, compact and informative weekly episodes to raising entrepreneurial kids!

A MILLION DOLLARS...did you just pass it up? 

I hope not! Tune in and find out how and where to find that million dollars! It is closer than you think!

Connect With Katrina:

NEW eBOOK: “How To Kick-Start Your Child’s Business With Confidence Today” will be released soon.

Grab a DONE-FOR-YOU Instagram template to help you create a professional look while attracting your ideal client. Your feed will scream, you are an authority in your niche while saving you time and money.  Contact Laiken Wilson on Fiverr.

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Make sure to subscribe, download, rate, and review the show, it helps get the word out. Look for a NEW episode every Tuesday morning.